Brood cicadas
I’ve always liked cicadas, and their buzzing makes me think of summers growing up - so there’s a nostalgia at play when they’re out. But these brood cicadas are smaller and more colorful, with red eyes and copper-gold wings and legs. Pretty neat.
Happy little bugs
I saw several you g praying mantises in the yard today - which makes me happy. Eat plenty of bugs and grow big, little friends.
Fake spring
I don’t care it it’s fake spring, our last frost isn’t technically for five weeks. I want to be outside, growing things, so it works.
Coffee cherry harvest
That’s it for this year’s indoor coffee harvest. Truthfully, I wasn’t expecting any fruit at all — I was surprised when it flowered last spring, and even more surprised to find clusters of green coffee cherries. It’s been a few months, and the last of the…
Happy 40th, Mac
Although the Macintosh and I were born on the same year, I didn't own a real, usable Mac until 2010. (I bought the 2009 15" MacBook Pro with high resolution display and matte screen in early 2010, after I landed my first real freelancing gig and before I…